This is Needling You’ll Actually Like

All of us have friends who are expert needlers, giving us the business about any misstep in life. While their utterances can be amusing, there is another type of needling that is actually beneficial — microneedling at Deschutes.At Deschutes we use the Rejuvapen...

Ditch the Razor, Grab the Ray Gun

When you’re shaving your underarms and legs, don’t you feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day? You remember that movie, where he was sent by a TV station to cover Punxsutawney Phil coming out of his burrow to denote the start of spring? Well, after the first day he...

The P is Silent, the Irritation Isn’t — Psoriasis

Like the word gingivitis in the dental word, the word psoriasis is known to most people from the world of advertising. Psoriasis is a skin condition that is known more for its potential embarrassment of the sufferer rather than pain or discomfort. Still, at Deschutes...

Understanding Acne

Acne. Stop right there! Your teenager just ran out of the room screaming!Yes, that single word, clinically known as acne vulgaris, is way scarier to a teenager than Saw V. Acne can ruin a young person’s life, at least in their minds, or surely cause a crimp in their...

Rip that Earlobe? We’ll Fix It.

Modern earrings can be a challenge. Big hoops. Big plugs. If they’re not getting caught on things and tearing the earlobe, they’re stretching the earlobe beyond its ability to snap back.What do you do then?Come to Deschutes and let us repair those earlobes.What is...

The Long-Term Results of Sculptra

No matter what you think about your neighbor with the, seemingly, great skin; no matter what you see on TV or the movies; we all age. Your supply of collagen dwindles as you age, and with it your skin’s support structure. We can fight extrinsic aging because it is...