You Don’t Need to Be Embarrassed by Your Psoriasis

Most people only know of the word “psoriasis” from television, thanks to the large ad budget of Head & Shoulders Shampoo. Forever linked with eczema and seborrhea in those commercials, psoriasis is a term most people have at least heard.But what is it?Psoriasis is...

It’s No Sweat Ending Your Excessive Sweating

It’s no fun suffering from excessive sweating. No matter the temperature, you’re always having to pay attention to your shirt to see if they’re showing your sweating. It’s embarrassing and can make you avoid social situations.But for our patients in Central Oregon,...

Spider Veins Without Spiderman

If the first thing you think of when you hear the term “spider veins” is Spiderman, you’ve been spending a few too many hours in the local megaplex watching the exploits of the famed Marvel Comic webslinger.Reality is known, spider veins aren’t anywhere near that...

Lend an Ear for Earlobe Repair

So, you’re running through the woods trying to get away from the psycho wielding the chainsaw behind you. And heading into this little situation, you didn’t consider you’d be running through said woods and you donned some pretty big hoop earrings. Ouch. One of the...

Dealing with Scars

Everyone has at least a few scars. After all, every time the skin is wounded it creates some sort of scar. If the wound was minimal, the scar may be barely visible. In other cases, such as traumatic injury or surgery, the scars can be very visible. Acne scarring is...