Probably one of the most tedious aspects to being a woman is the chore of shaving your armpits. It seems just when you’re done, it’s time to do it again.
But what if you could put an end to underarm shaving, and have this little side benefit of permanently eliminating the sweat and odor glands in the armpits?
You can have both at Deschutes Dermatology with a new procedure called miraDry!
What is miraDry?
MiraDry is the only non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment to permanently eliminate sweat and odor glands in the underarm area. Using microwave technology to heat the glands, stopping their functioin, miraDry is a safe, fast, permanent solution.
The procedure has been given over 45,000 times worldwide, so there is a growing amount of statistical evidence behind miraDry. This new technology has been shown to eliminate 82% of sweat and odor glands in just one treatment. This reduction is permanent.
Although not the original intention, miraDry also removes up to 70% of underarm hair as the heat damages the hair follicles. So, in addition to saying goodbye to your army of deodorants and antiperspirants, Deschutes patients can now say goodbye to underarm shaving!
Is it safe to remove these sweat glands?
The human body has from 2 to 4 million sweat glands across its entire surface. Only 2% of these are located in the underarm area. So, when these glands are eliminated with miraDry, the body’s overall ability to cool itself or to eliminate toxins is not impacted.
How do treatments go?
We first numb the underarms of the patient. Then we draw a temporary tattoo of sorts on your underarm to provide a treatment map. Next we place the hand held applicator to your skin and there is a slight suction. Each side takes around 30 minutes and you’re done.
Who doesn’t want to quit dealing with deodorants and shaving? Puhleeeeeeze! Call us at Deschutes, [primary_phone], and ask us about miraDry!
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