Being the most common type of cancer in the United States, skin cancer can affect anyone. Also known as melanoma, the cancer starts in the skin cells called melanocytes and then spreads to other cells in the body. Despite its popularity, skin cancer can be treated if diagnosed at an early stage. Here at Deschutes Dermatology Center, we encourage patients to protect their skin and prevent skin cancer in Bend OR from happening in the first place.
Your cup of coffee can spare you from cancer.
Studies show that the antioxidant properties found in coffee can help protect a person from skin cancer. A cup of caffeinated coffee each day can drop 5% of your odds of developing skin cancer later on in life. Even a couple of 20-ounces Starbucks’ venti can decrease your chances of skin cancer by 30%.
There’s more to using SPF sunscreen.
The sun protection factor found in skin products supposedly tells you how effective it can block UVB rays from penetrating the skin. However, there is no rating system that tells how effective it could be against UVA rays, the radiation that penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, causing serious cell changes. There has been a proposed sunscreen rule by the FDA which is to include label revisions fit for UVA. Until this happens, it is advised to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that effectively blocks UVA and UVB rays.
Consult any changes – even if they don’t fit the textbook.
All of us may know the ABCDE of skin cancer; however, we must remember that not all melanomas follow the rules. Some types, such as amelanotic melanoma and nodular melanoma, do not follow the regular guidelines for mole changes that happen in skin cancer. There is a single rule that you must always follow though: do not ignore an odd-looking mole just because it doesn’t fit the guidelines.
Prevention is always better than cure, as they say. Consult our team of experts at Deschutes Dermatology Center by calling [primary_phone] and know how you can prevent skin cancer.
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